Thursday, October 2, 2008


Since last Sunday, we estimate close to 150-200 swabbers registered as a result of the event. Asides from those who came out in force, there were many who could not make it but have since come on board.

If you haven't already, now's the time, not next week.

We are now entering a critical period where we have redoubled our efforts and have reached out to the community at large. If you have a large social network, appeal to them. If you belong to a religious institution, put the appeal in a sermon (we even have a canned speech for that purpose)! In short, do whatever you can now, because later we will not need your help quite so urgently. After we find our 'one' match, we will be continuing our efforts, but really it is time to do your part, NOW!

We will be registering en masse at Toronto KaliBari this coming Saturday the 4th and Sunday the 5th, as well as the following Tuesday the 6th, then move back to The Tagore Centre the following weekend Friday-Sunday.

We also request that you do not sit on the kits at home; as soon as you get them, swab. You needn't sit down, brush your teeth, have water, chew gum...just swallow once and swab away. Put it back in the envelope after labeling it, then mail it back THAT hour. It's free!

We are also happy to announce that many others are getting involved with our cause. Our man Russell Peters had a chat with Prateek and agreed that this is something we all need to get moving on... now!

1 comment:

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Title: Pathology